Markets, Opinions, Shipping news, Shipping reports 05/04/2024 Ship Recycling to Lowest Level In 20 Years
Markets, Opinions, Shipping reports 02/04/2024 Closure of Baltimore Port May Impact Volume of Exports Warns US EIA
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Container news, Markets, Opinions 25/03/2024 A.P. Moller Holding’s CEO warns massive orderbooks to weigh heavily on freight rates
Markets, Opinions, Shipping reports 25/03/2024 BIMCO: 13% of World Seaborne Trade Under Attack from Houthis, Somali Pirates
Decarbonisation, Environment news, Markets, Opinions 21/03/2024 ‘Navigating the bubble for sustainable growth:’ Ammonia shipborne trade
LNG & LPG news, Markets, Opinions 15/03/2024 Shell expects demand for LNG and liquefied biomethane to grow
Markets, Opinions, Shipyard news, Tankers 08/03/2024 Crude Tanker Newbuild Contracting Jumps 490%, Bimco says
Markets, Opinions, Shipping reports 07/03/2024 Japan, China, Greece top list of world’s shipowning nations
Container news, Markets, Opinions 06/03/2024 Red Sea Crisis Drives Schedule Reliability to Lowest Level since September