Dry bulk shipping news, Shipsale news, Shipyard news 27/06/2024 Belships adds more bulkers to fleet with purchase and newbuild deals
Dry bulk shipping news, Shipsale news 25/06/2024 Precious Shipping sells vintage handysize bulker for $10.75m
Container news, Freight news, Shipsale news 21/06/2024 MPC Container Ships adds pair to fleet as it seals 10 charters with top liner
Hellenic shipping news, Shipsale news, Shipyard news 21/06/2024 Tsakos Energy Navigation in talks with yard for five LR1 newbuildings
Hellenic shipping news, LNG & LPG news, Shipsale news 21/06/2024 CDB Leasing adds four LNG ships from Dynagas LNG Partners
Hellenic shipping news, Shipsale news 20/06/2024 Anglo-Eastern took over Euronav Ship Management Hellas
Dry bulk shipping news, Freight news, Hellenic shipping news, Shipsale news 17/06/2024 Seanergy And Costamare in Double Capesize Charter Deal