Singapore-based Eastern Pacific Shipping (EPS) was recently featured on China Central TV (CCTV) for being the manager of the first bulk carrier to complete LNG bunkering operations at Zhoushan Anchorage, China.

In partnership with PetroChina, the ship Mount Cook was supplied with 2200 MT of LNG.

This is considered an important milestone for EPS, with Zhoushan Anchorage holding a significant strategic role as a refueling hub for conventional bunker, LNG and other future alternative fuels. Integrating it into the vessel’s route not only ensures optimal operational efficiency, but also helps reduce emissions, the company claims.

To date, EPS has performed over 115 LNG bunkering operations and continues to see a rapid increase in the LNG bunkering network for the global fleet.

“Pioneering the decarbonisation route, EPS is committed to the green and technology-driven growth of the industry and has already taken delivery of 45 dual fuel vessels including LNG, LPG and Ethane, with more being built,” pointed out Eastern Pacific Shipping.

Just recently the company has completed its first USA LNG bunkering operations. The dual fuel LNG Suezmax tanker Starway successfully completed EPS’ first LNG bunkering operations at Galveston offshore anchorage, USA.

The vessel received 3,300 cubic meters of LNG via a ship-to-ship transfer operation from Avenir Achievement, a 20,000 cubic meters LNG bunkering vessel chartered by Shell.

Video credit: China Central TV