Attica Group, a large ferry operator in Greece, says it is selling its Ro-Pax vessel Kriti II for environmentally friendly recycling.

Attica Holdings S.A. reported last week the sale of the Ro-Pax vessel Kriti II, owned by a subsidiary of the company, for safe and environmentally sound recycling in compliance with the respective European and Greek legislation.

The vessel was delivered to a ship recycling facility, Attica Group said, which is included in the “European List” of ship recycling facilities.

The transaction was concluded for a total consideration of US$3.6m, strengthening the Group’s cash position, and generated a profit of €0.2m euro.

With a 30-year presence on Greek and international seas, Attica Group leads the Greek coastal passenger shipping sector and is among the largest ferry companies in the world.

The ferry operator in Greece operates under the brands Superfast Ferries, Blue Star Ferries, Hellenic Seaways and ANEK Lines.

It is worth mentioning that the merger with the shipping company of Crete (ANEK Lines) was completed in December 2023, according to Attica’s data in its website.