Greek shipowner Meadway Shipping announced the successful acquisition of the dry bulk ship Nord Amazon, which has now been renamed “Utopia”, a momentous occasion that unfolded in Houston, USA. This dry bulk vessel, built in 2020 at the Oshima Shipyard, boasts a deadweight of 64,500 metric tons.

The ship Utopia is a valuable addition to Meadway Shipping’s fleet, as the owner explains, and a testament to the hard work, dedication, and collaboration of all parties involved in making this deal a reality.

In its announcement, Meadway Shipping thanks its committed team for their unwavering dedication and tireless efforts throughout the acquisition process, the previous owners and their representatives, for their professionalism and cooperation, as well as the company’s financial and legal partners, who played a crucial role in ensuring the swift and successful completion of this transaction.

It’s worth noting that earlier this month, Meadway Shipping signed a contract for an Oshima new building with a dwt of 42,300 metric tons. This is the second of this type 42,5k Oshima new building acquisition for Meadway Shipping.

With delivery anticipated in the first half of 2026, the 42,5k ship addition to Meadway’s fleet will bolster its capacity, as the owner claims, and enhance its ability to meet the ever-evolving needs of its clients.

The company’s journey towards expansion doesn’t stop here, as Meadway Shipping has ambitious plans in place, with a total of nine new buildings scheduled to be delivered between 2024 and 2026.

Earlier this year, as Shipping Telegraph reported, the shipowner sealed a deal with Japanese Shipyard Tsuneishi Shipbuilding for a new build ultramax.

This is the third new building ultramax Tess ’64 scrubber fitted, which the company has contracted from the same shipyard, with expected delivery in the second quarter of 2026.