Brazil Investigates Alleged Oil Spill From Panama-Flagged Tanker

Brazil is looking for information on an alleged September 2023 tanker oil spill off its northern coast, after non-profit organization Arayara Institute on January 31 said satellite images showed an apparent 170-square-kilometer spill.

According to the organization’s preliminary analysis, the possible leak may have originated from a Panamanian vessel, casting further doubts on the effectiveness of existing control measures.

Images made available first-hand by the Arayara Institute show a probable oil leak in the region.

In a letter to IBAMA, the Arayara Institute communicates the possible leak and requests that a detailed investigation be carried out to assess the extent of the environmental damage and identify those responsible for this possible environmental crime.

According to the organization, adequate equipment and structures could prevent incidents like this from occurring.

In addition to the concern with the identified leak, the organization also points out in the letter delivered to the authorities the need to create a government mechanism that contributes to the formulation of effective control measures to prevent recurrences of this type in the region.

Furthermore, the Institute proposes the formation of a working group that involves civil society with the aim of discussing solutions, composing policies and streamlining emergency response to incidents in natural resource areas.