Ships in EU seas should face dissuasive fines not only for oil spills, but also for sewage and garbage discharge, Transport and Tourism Committee MEPs say.

On Thursday, Transport and Tourism Committee voted to update EU rules on preventing pollution from ships in European seas and ensuring perpetrators face fines. It would ensure all international standards on preventing illegal discharges from ships, developed by International Maritime Organisation, become part of EU law and as a result become more easily enforceable.

Wider ban on pollution from ships

MEPs supported the proposal to extend current EU rules prohibiting the discharge of oil and noxious liquid substances to include the discharge of sewage, garbage, and residues from scrubbers.

Efficient penalties

They want ship-owners to bear the responsibility for any environmental damage caused by ship pollution, in case the master or crew responsible for the illegal discharge can no longer be found or cannot afford to pay the full amount of the penalty. MEPs also want EU governments to avoid setting maximum or minimum penalties for infringements to ensure that the effectiveness and proportionality of penalties are not undermined.

More on-the-sport verification

Current EU rules have been responsible for the introduction of the CleanSeaNet, a European satellite-based alert system for oil spill and vessel detection. Because this system lacks reporting on how pollution incidents were followed up, Transport MEPs are in favour of encouraging more information exchange between member states and the Commission on pollution incidents. They also want 50% of CleanSeaNet alerts to be verified on the spot and as soon as possible, to prevent an illegal discharge from dispersing and therefore becoming undetectable by the time of arrival on the location.