In accordance with the assessment of Drewry Supply Chain Advisors, the container rates continue with further decreasing levels this week. As it is mentioned, their composite World Container Index decreased by 7% to $2,368 per 40-feet container.
Freight rates from Shanghai to Genoa decreased 11% or $412 to $3,333 per 40-feet container and from Shanghai to Los Angeles fell 8% or $260 to $2,906 per 40-feet container.
Similarly, rates from Shanghai to New York reduced 7% or $282 to $4,038 per FEU and those from Shanghai to Rotterdam dropped 5% or $124 to $2,512 per FEU.
Conversely, rates from Rotterdam to Shanghai, New York to Rotterdam and Rotterdam to New York increased 1% to $490, $854 and $2,373 per 40-feet container.
Meanwhile, rates from Los Angeles to Shanghai remained stable.
Drewry expects rates to recede from next week as shipping capacity increases.
Source: World Container Index, Drewry Supply Chain Advisors