IC Shipbrokers herewith welcomes you to today’s freight market report. We are giving you an insight in today’s freight market and an update with the latest freight market indications.

The market was today with somehow slowing activity levels for the drybulk market. The capes had minor negative tendency together with the panamax, but the supramax and handysize again remained fully unchanged.

The capesizes had today slower activity in general and it resulted in slight falling rates in almost all areas and directions, except for Pacific Basin business which had slight increasing rates. For the panamax size the activity was again little slower and the market reacted with minor falling rates in basically all areas and directions.

For the supramax and handysize dry cargo tonnage the market had unchanged fine activity levels. The supramax tonnage had stable and mainly unchanged rate levels in most areas and directions. For the handysize vessels the market was with fine activity, and resulted in unchanged and stable rates in basically all areas and directions, but with a positive outlook in some regions.

The European coaster market was today with little positive activity. In the Baltic Sea area or on the Continent the freight rates were stable. The freight rates in the Black Sea area were with very minor falling rates today and the Mediterranean had again unchanged rates today.

The tanker market was today with unchanged but fair level of activity. The crude oil tankers were with fair activity resulting in stable and unchanged rates in most areas and directions. The product tanker market was today again with fine activity and it resulted in minor increasing rate levels from the various loading areas.

We will be back tomorrow with more freight market news from www.icshipbrokers.com