The Chief Executive Officer of Greece´s Attica Group Spyros Paschalis has resigned.

The resignation comes less than two twenty-four hours after the tragic death of the 36-year-old man Antonis Kargiotis in the port of Piraeus.

The resignation of the CEO S. Paschali was accepted by Attica Group, after the tragic death of the 36-year-old Antonis.

Attica Group´s board of directors will make a meeting in the near future to appoint the new CEO. Until then the duties of the CEO is temporarily taken over by the company´s CFO, Mr. Panagiotis Dikaios.

The tragedy occurred in port of Piraeus, Greece, on Tuesday night when the young man, who arrived late, tried to enter the departing passenger ferry, “Blue Horizon” that was on the Piraeus-Heraklion (Crete) route, and lost his life after an altercation with the crew members.

The lawyer of the family of the 36-year-old man Mr. Apostolos Lytras said in the Greek tv Mega and to the journalist Nikos Evangelatos “that these things are unthinkable. He was a peaceful man and they really beat him up and threw him into the sea.”

The incident caused widespread outcry in the Greek public and media.

Τhe Greek ship-owning company made several announcements underlining that the Attica Group expresses its sorrow, condolences, and apologies to the family and friends of the 36-year-old.

In a more recent announcement today, Thursday, September 7, it is mentioned the launch of an expanded and in-depth investigation with the assistance of independent external consultants to ensure that the Group’s procedures and protocols are never again violated by anyone.

In addition, in this announcement it is stated that the resignation of the CEO of the company was accepted by the board of directors.

In the statement, the Board of Directors called it a “tragic accident that resulted in the loss of a young person’s life completely unjustly and in an unimaginable way.”

From his side, the Greek Minister of Shipping Miltiadis Varvitsiotis, in an announcement yesterday, said “Greece is shocked by the tragic death to which members of the crew of the ship “Blue Horizon”, our 36-year-old fellow man Antonis Kargiotis, led with their actions.”