Explosion outside an Israeli shipping company in Piraeus

An alarm was raised at dawn to the police after an explosion outside a shipping company in Piraeus, Greece caused material damage to the glass, in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

According to the Hellenic police, the explosion happened shortly before 02:00 in the morning, on Kastoros Street.

The police found that a glass window had been broken at the entrance of the building.

According to the police, at about 01:45 unknown persons placed gas canisters and flammable material at the offices of the shipping company located in Kastoros Street.

The ignition caused material damage to the glass pane of the Israeli shipping company, while the police proceeded to detain six people.

In accordance with Greek media ertnews.gr the six people who were detained were reportedly released a short time later.

Protest leaflets were found at the entrance of the building reading “Freedom for Palestine”.

Leaflets and one sledgehammer were found in the area. The investigation by the authorities is ongoing.

About a month earlier, an apartment building housing retail stores and offices in Piraeus, Greece suffered significant damages after unknown individuals planted and detonated an explosive device at the entrance.

Unidentified persons approached the entrance of a building that houses various businesses, retail stores, small shipping companies transporting dry bulk cargoes and crude oil and oil products, an insurance company, law offices and other businesses.

Television footage of the area showed smashed shop windows and debris spread across Filonos Street.

Members of the Greek Police’s (ELAS) bomb disposal unit who arrived at the scene found a large amount of explosive material, a slow-burning fuse and a common detonator.