French energy company TotalEnergies has announced the commissioning of its “Cape Ann” floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) for liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the port of Le Havre, France.

The company states that the terminal started yesterday to inject its first megawatt-hours (MWh) of gas by using LNG coming from Norway into the grid operated by GRTgaz.

TotalEnergies informs that it has contracted 50% of the terminal’s annual capacity of around 5 billion cubic meters, to supply it with LNG from its global LNG portfolio, but the remaining terminal capacity will be marketed according to rules approved by the regulator.

“Cape Ann” is a FSRU unit built in 2010 and owned by Höegh LNG in Norway and on charter to TotalEnergies, having a storage capacity of 142,500 cubic meters, with a maximum regasification capacity of 5 billion cubic meters per year, which is around 10% of the French consumption.

As Shipping Telegraph reported on September 19, Greenpeace activists protested against the arrival to Le Havre of “Cape Ann”, stating that “this infrastructure is unneeded, even in the event of a cold winter.”