Osaka Gas to launch an LNG bunkering business in 2026

Japanese utility giant Osaka Gas is planning to move into the LNG bunkering business in 2026, as the target of the company is to expand further the use of LNG.

Meanwhile it plans to introduce e-methane, a synthetic gas that allows the company’s LNG business to seamlessly transition from fossil-based natural gas to carbon-neutral gas, according to Takenori Fujita, executive officer and senior general manager of LNG trading dept., energy resources and international business unit at Osaka Gas.

“Our ongoing development of methanation technologies aims to produce e-methane from recycled CO2 and hydrogen,” Takenori Fujita said.

Osaka Gas recently has joined the SEA-LNG coalition bringing its expertise and decades of experience in LNG operations in Japan.

The company is also working to increase the share of renewables in its power generation portfolio.

It is joining forces with other large international companies to sponsor the creation of a global coalition exclusively dedicated to electric natural gas (e-NG), also referred to as e-methane.

The company is a major natural gas and energy service provider serving 5.0 million gas delivery points in the Kansai Region, Japan’s second largest metropolitan area, with a 63,000 km pipeline network.

Peter Keller, SEA-LNG chairman, said: “Osaka Gas brings over a century of corporate expertise and decades of experience in LNG operations in Japan. With its plan to support the adoption of liquified e-methane, it is emphasising how energy majors, shipowners and other LNG value chain stakeholders can work collaboratively to transition from LNG’s immediate emissions reductions to net-zero e-methane.”

“As a responsible energy company dedicated to reducing emissions, we promote the conversion of fuels from coal and oil to natural gas through our gas supply business, which primarily operates in Japan,” added Takenori Fujita of Osaka Gas.