Ship operators continue to be fined for alleged inaccuracies when filing customs declarations at Argentine ports, according to P&I, marine and energy insurance provider Gard which is citing information from its correspondent.
Gard’s correspondent reported in July 2023 that claims related to custom fines were on the rise in Argentina.
“The Argentine Customs Authorities are known for paying close attention to the details in each ship’s custom declarations and stores lists and for imposing strict penalties for any discrepancies identified, as permitted under its Customs Code,” Gard said.
The correspondent reports that these claims are still relatively common in Argentina and reminds ships’ masters and officers to be particularly attentive when completing the relevant customs store lists and declaration forms.
As it is reported, for more than a decade there has been a persistent issue of ships incurring fines at Argentina’s ports. “And now, in December 2024, the situation remains unchanged.”
Argentina’s Customs Authorities issued on October 10, 2018, general resolution 4317 in an effort to improve uniformity in the application of customs regulations in the country.
The resolution approved a set of forms to be used by vessels declaring any stores on board upon arrival at an Argentine port: OM 1645-ship’s store declaration, OM 1646-deck store list, OM 1647-engine room store list and OM 1648-crew effect declaration.
“Although these forms provide some uniformity, there are items in the lists which may still be unclear,” Gard noted citing information from its correspondent.
Gard advises ship operators to remind their masters of ships calling Argentinean ports to be particularly vigilant and attentive when filling in the customs declaration and ship’s stores list, also when using the forms from 2018.
“We also recommend that the Master contact the ship’s local agent well before arrival to ascertain the customs and immigration regulations in force in Argentina at that given time and the documentation required,” the marine insurance provider said.