The Norwegian offshore tonnage provider DOF Group ASA (DOF) has secured two offshore projects with combined revenue estimated to approximately $30m.

One of the projects is an EPRD project for a North Sea operator, including the project management, engineering, logistics and execution of an FPSO cessation project.

DOF informs that for this project it shall disconnect, transport and pre-moor the floating unit, and retrieve and recycle the mooring system.

The project management and engineering is starting immediately, while offshore execution is planned in Q3 2024 utilising in total four vessels, including “Skandi Hera” and “Skandi Iceman”.

Secondly, DOF has also been awarded a contract to provide field decommissioning support in association with a depleted field off the Australian coast.

This contract includes project management, engineering, procurement, and offshore services, whilst it is expected to be completed over a five-to-seven-week period commencing in December 2023.

This Australian project will utilise the CSV “Skandi Hercules” which, with two permanently installed WROV systems and a 250Te AHC crane is ideally suited to these operations, as the company states.