Stavanger-headquartered subsea project expert Ocean Installer has been chosen by Norwegian energy conglomerate Equinor and its partners in the Troll A license as the SURF (subsea umbilicals, risers and flowlines) contractor for their new NOK 12 billion (about $1.135bln) investment in the Troll phase 3 – stage 2 project.

This SURF EPCI contract to Ocean Installer, worth over NOK 1 billion (about $94.4m) includes a substantial fabrication scope and offshore work over three years, with the first campaign beginning in 2025, as the company informs.

Ocean Installer has also secured a separate contract for replacing a 4km 10” flexible flowline at the Troll B field in 2025.

The second stage of the Troll Phase 3 project includes eight new wells from two new templates with subsea controls extended from existing templates. A new 36” gas flowline will be laid as a tie-back to the Troll A platform, and the project will also perform modification work on Troll A.

The EPCI contract for Ocean Installer covers fabrication and installation of four large pipeline termination structures for the 36” gas flowline, five 20” spools, subsea pig launcher and receiver (PLR), 6km of 4.5” MEG Line and protection covers.

The work also covers installation of the subsea production system and umbilicals from OneSubsea. Trenching and pre-commissioning is also part of the scope of work.

Engineering work has already started from Ocean Installer’s offices in Stavanger and Oslo with the majority of the fabrication will be awarded to local Norwegian subcontractors.