Go Offshore seals charters for offshore North West Shelf work

Photo credit: Go Offshore

Another contract was awarded recently to West Perth-headquartered energy services company GO OFFSHORE.  

Australia’s GO OFFSHORE reported the charters for the 2020-built PSV GO Aurelia and for the 2018-built offshore supply vessel (OSV) GO Provider.

As disclosed, the contracts will start on April 1, 2025. The vessels GO Aurelia and GO Provider will support Woodside’s production operations on the North West Shelf.

The company’s chief executive commented about the charters: “The contract awards are a testament to the years of dedication by the offshore and onshore teams, constantly striving for continuous improvement and operational excellence, with safety and service delivery at the forefront of everything we do”.

GO OFFSHORE manages and operates a fleet of 18 offshore vessels, according to the company’s fleet database in its website.