Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP) has decided to the phasing in of HVO100 at its Copenhagen container terminal, taking another significant step forward towards CO2 neutrality, and fossil-free container handling in Copenhagen.

From November 2023, CMP will gradually phase in the fossil-free fuel hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO100) for CMP’s port equipment at the container terminal.

The container terminal’s large STS (ship-to-shore) cranes and work vehicles already run exclusively on electricity from renewable sources, as CMP said in its announcement.

CMP has established an ambition to be CO2 neutral in its operations by year 2025, and to be climate positive by 2040, in accordance with Science Based Targets.

The port reveals that in the years 2020 – 2022 has reduced its CO2 emissions in its operations (GHG Scope 1+2) by 57% which corresponds to a reduction of 1,231 tonnes of CO2e.

In Malmö, CMP has phased in HVO100 already which has reduced CMP’s emissions by over approximately 840 tonnes CO2e annually.

Povl Dolleris Røjkjær Ungar, COO of Copenhagen Malmö Port, said: “The green transition of CMP’s operations is not something we are only planning for in the future – it is already happening now and the phasing in of HVO100 at the container terminal in Copenhagen is a very important and natural step in our efforts to be one of the world’s most sustainable ports.”

“CMP has already reduced CO2 emissions by 57% since 2020 and we expect to reach the target of carbon neutrality by 2025. The phase-in of HVO100 follows the replacement of CMP’s machinery and means that CMP can also support our customers’ demand for fossil-free and CO2-neutral transport chains.”