Drought-hit Spanish region Andalusia rules out bringing water by tankers

Whenever there is a drought, extreme emergency solutions come to the fore. Currently in the Spanish region of Andalusia there are talks about bringing water in ships to the region to respond to their serious drought crisis. However, Andalusian president Juanma Moreno has ruled out bringing water by ships.

It is certainly an issue that is debated on the political agenda and the feasibility of such a water transfer has been analysed by experts.

Despite the idea to load ships with water, Juanma Moreno announced recently that the measure to bring ships loaded with water to guarantee supply will not be resorted to.

“We will continue to work on the facilities at the ports if necessary for the future,” emphasised the president, who says that the region is still in a drought situation.

As it looks like the plan to bring water by ships from Murcia slows down as reservoir reserves improve.

However, the president avoided triumphalism with the recent rains. “The matter has not been resolved,” explained Moreno, who recognizes that the rainfall is “a relief.”

Moreno told reporters that “it is not enough” and asks for “responsibility.”

This is how he reviewed the situation in Malaga, where there is still a complicated situation despite the rains. Moreno noted that they remain far from their full capacity.

The president portrays the situation with an example with La Viñuela. Moreno has explained that, in this reservoir, it has 60% more water, but its capacity is still at 15%.

He also pledged to maintain investments in infrastructure.

Andalucia shows its strength as a destination by generating more income, despite the fact that weather has prevented the normal development of Holy Week. Tourists who visited Andalucia last week generated an income of €478M, 18% more than in 2023.