Euronav’s Ship Management (Hellas) 314,000-dwt Ingrid built in 2012 was detained by the authority of Singapore.
The Tokyo MoU port state control organization issued on January 31, 2024 a list about the detentions held that period. In the list the crude oil tanker Ingrid is included by the authority.
A Euronav VLCC has become the latest tanker caught out by Singapore’s port authority on shipping safety.
The 314,000-dwt Ingrid sailing under the flag of Belgium was stopped on 31 January 2024, according to the Tokyo MoU on Port State Control.
The ground of detention of the ship was deficiencies related to safety of navigation (pilot ladders and hoist/pilot transfer arrangements), fire safety (ready availability of fire fighting equipment), and International Safety Management (ISM).
The Tokyo MoU, one of the most active regional port State control (PSC) organizations, said the Port State Control Committee decided for the purpose of increasing pressures on substandard ships to publish a list of under-performing ships which have been detained for three or more times by the Tokyo MOU during the last 12 months.
The under-performing ships are subjected to more frequent inspections at each port of call within the Tokyo MoU region. All authorities of Tokyo MOU have been alerted to inspect under-performing ships when found.
The Tokyo MoU organization consists of 22 member authorities in the Asia-Pacific region.