The Hamburg-based Fairplay Towage Group (Fairplay) has been awarded essential parts for the Tanker-Assistance in the German LNG Terminals, the company said in a social media post.

In October 2023 a public tender for the provision of tug services in the German LNG Terminals has been published, and aside of prices, special attention was paid to topics like quality management, training, transformation and transition and of course the tugs, the equipment and performance.

After a quite exhausting tender process and negotiations on terms and conditions, Fairplay announced that they have been nominated towage provider for the German LNG Terminals by the DET GmbH (German Energy Terminal GmbH).

Fairplay Towage Group will be in charge to provide all assisting tugs for the floating LNG Terminals located in Brunsbüttel, Stade and Wilhelmshaven.

The towage contract started effective January 1st 2024 and will run for several years with extension options, as Fairplay mentions.

The German Fairplay Towage Group has more than 150 years of towage history and experience, and their tugboats are in operation in Hamburg, the Elbe ports of Wedel and Stade, Bremen, Bremerhaven, Brake, Nordenham, Wilhelmshaven, the Baltic ports of Rostock, Wismar, Stralsund, Wolgast, Mukran/Sassnitz, Lubmin, the Benelux ports of Rotterdam, Antwerp, Terneuzen, Ghent and Flushing, the Polish ports of Szczecin, Świnoujście and Gdynia.