Greenpeace activists protested against the arrival of TotalEnergies Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) floating terminal, the FSRU Cape Ann.

Activists took climate action, as they claim, against TotalEnergies’ LNG floating terminal entering Le Havre harbour.

The 280 metres long floating LNG terminal was due to start service by September 15, purportedly to ensure France’s energy security during the war caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, according to the French government, the statement from the environmental group Greenpeace France read.

At sea, Greenpeace activists painted the message “Gas Kills” on the hull of the Cape Ann, Greenpeace said.

Hélène Bourges, oil, transport and ocean campaigner at Greenpeace France said: “This LNG terminal is yet another blatant example of ‘shock doctrine,’ where gas operators shifted their public messaging and lobbying from ‘energy transition’ to ‘energy security’ and cynically used the opportunity after the energy supply concerns triggered by the Russian invasion of Ukraine to frighten governments into massive, unneeded investment into and expansion of fossil gas imports and infrastructure.”

In February 2022, French President Macron committed to making France the first major nation to abandon fossil fuels.

According to Greenpeace press release “this infrastructure is unneeded, even in the event of a cold winter”, adding that “extreme weather events across the world remind us of the need to move away from fossil fuels fast.”

Greenpeace adds in its release that “the installation of a new LNG terminal for five years is clearly not a sustainable option, in particular as additional fossil fuel infrastructure projects are under study, according to the investigation by Greenpeace France and Disclose.”

As Greenpeace reports have outlined, Europe needs to act quickly to drastically cut fossil fuels, investing massively in energy efficiency and consumption reduction and developing renewable energies for all.