Greece seizes 46 kilos of cocaine in a container of bananas

Greek authorities have confiscated approximately 46 kilos of cocaine hidden within a container of bananas originating from Ecuador and destined for Piraeus, according to Greek customs authorities.

According to the custom authorities who conducted the investigation, the street value of the discovered substance is estimated to be around two million euros.

The investigation launched with the support of relevant local authorities while the prosecutor was immediately informed about the case.

As it is reported, an x-ray check followed where a suspicious organic substance was detected in the container’s refrigeration machinery.

In the physical control, 40 packages with a significant amount of narcotic substance (cocaine), with a gross weight of 46,445 Kg were found, which were confiscated.

“The investigation is still ongoing to dismantle this international drug trafficking network and identify whether this case relates to similar cases being pursued,” the authorities said.

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