Photo: 141741310 / Boat © Photo072 | / Port Sabetta, Yamal

Russia will spend over 27.5 billion roubles in the next four years on building a new seaport terminal in Pevek, Chukotka. The terminal will have freight piers, hydro-technical facilities, including a harbourage, an access canal, a dam, as well as essential navigation equipment.

This infrastructure will make it possible to deploy additional floating nuclear power units.

The Russian Prime Minister held a meeting yesterday in order to discuss, among other issues, the financing of the construction of a seaport terminal in Chukotka, and the expanding of LNG exports. In the meeting it was emphasised that this will allow for expanding production at the “unique Baimskaya copper-porphyry deposit,” as it was said, so that it would reach its design capacity.

It will become possible to ship out up to two million tonnes of metal ore produced there once the terminal is ready, and new jobs will be created.

In the meeting it was also discussed the LNG production expansion and shipments, including to foreign markets.

The Russian government suggests “expanding the geography of gas deposits whence the export of LNG is allowed, adding to the list promising deposits located far away from the Unified Gas Supply System.”

“It appears economically inexpedient to build trunk pipelines to these remote areas. Above all, this refers to northern areas in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area, where huge amounts of natural gas (about three trillion cubic metres) are located,” as it was said.

As the government declares this decision will make it possible to expand annual LNG production volumes to 100 million tonnes in the next seven years.