Photo credit: Hellenic Coast Guard
An alarm was raised on Wednesday morning at the Port Authority of Psara when they were informed by the Chief Officer of the ship “Psara Glory” that the 54-year-old Captain was found unconscious in his cabin.
The Master of passenger ferry Psara Glory died in his cabin despite the efforts of the doctor to keep him alive.
The Port Authority of Psara, which is located at East Mediterranean, in the Aegean Sea in Greece was informed yesterday by the Chief Officer of the passenger ferry “Psara Glory”, that the 54-year-old Master of the said ship was found unconscious in his cabin.
An official of the relevant Port Authority and a rural doctor immediately went to the scene, who provided first aid, to no avail, and then he was pronounced dead.
The Psara Port Station, which conducts the preliminary investigation, ordered an autopsy, while the “Psara Glory” did not perform yesterday its morning itinerary Psara – Volissos (Chios) – Psara and is under prohibition of departure, until the restoration of the organic composition of the crew, as announced yesterday by the Hellenic Coast Guard.