Marine engineering and technical consultancy Houlder has been collaborating with Greek energy company Blue Sea Power, to develop three floating LNG-to-power barges (FSRPs).

The FSRP barges, will provide greener, lower emission baseload and peak power to the non-interconnected Greek islands of Kos, Chios and Lesvos, in accordance with Houlder.

This power will be used when existing renewable solar and wind energy utilisation is at its technical limits.

The barges will replace the outdated and inefficient existing diesel and heavy fuel oil power generation infrastructure, whilst meeting the European Union Taxonomy and new Greek Climate legislation.

London-based Houlder has completed the barge designs and is supporting Blue Sea Power with the design package for securing suitable tenders from shipyards.

In this phase Houlder completed the design of the LNG systems, stability structure, and arrangements as well as dynamic mooring assessment of the barge for the specific locations.

To meet EU greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions requirements, the barges must generate power efficiently, and Houlder claims that will incorporate innovative and specialist solutions to meet these standards.

According to EU Taxonomy regulations on GHG emissions for new power plants in Greece, the limit is 270g of CO2 per e/kWh or a 20-year average of 550kg of CO2/kWh.

The Houlder and Blue Sea Power team has also leveraged green funding, which it has secured from multiple banks and investors to finance the project.

The barges will incorporate supply of blends of bio-LNG and renewable synthetic e-LNG into the supply chain to further reduce GHG emissions.

Houlder specialist says “floating LNG power barges are greener than traditional power generation infrastructure.”

Houlder is currently considering to develop many more barges and even scale up the projects to provide other Greek islands and EU locations with green energy.