Japanese shipping conglomerate Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) has decided to install Starlink satellite communication service on its present 233 ocean-going vessels, managed by MOL Group ship management companies.

MOL states that it plans to install the Starlink system on all its group’s managed vessels, except for those for which it is difficult to install Starlink due to ship registry and other reasons, and it will have around 140 vessels equipped with the system, by the end of fiscal year 2023.

Starlink is a satellite communications service that uses multiple small satellites deployed in low orbit to provide high-speed, low-latency connectivity.

MOL mentions that it has conducted trials on several MOL-operated vessels, and these trials confirmed a dramatic improvement in the communication environment, with up to a 50-fold increase in communication speed, enabling seafarers to make video calls with family members and watch videos, which were difficult in the past.

Considering the positive impact on seafarers’ wellbeing, MOL has decided to proceed with a full-scale introduction of the system on its managed ocean-going vessels.

MOL will in the future promote the digital transformation of maritime operations further by improving also the operational efficiency through real-time information sharing between vessels and land, and by providing full support from shore in the event of trouble onboard a vessel.

Video credit: MOL