Technology group Wärtsilä is set to offer onboard carbon capture and storage system to shipowners and operators.

Wärtsilä Exhaust Treatment is already offering CCS-Ready scrubbers to the market, which are integrated onboard in a way that enables a CCS system to be added easily in the future once the technology is commercialised.

The technology provider has already conducted studies across a range of vessel types, both newbuild and existing vessels, including ro-ro and ro-pax vessels, a drill ship, a container vessel and a gas carrier.

The process takes four to six months of study and design work.

Once completed, the CCS feasibility study work will enable Wärtsilä to provide customers with a fully rounded commercial offer that can be shared with shipyards to get an exact quote for installation.

Now Wärtsilä’s experts closely examine the existing naval architecture of the ship and work to understand how the power, space and exhaust demands of CCS can be accommodated onboard.

As the company says today owners will receive a qualified analysis of the costs of CCS integration, and a clear list of considerations on how a potential retrofit would be conducted in the least intrusive way.

Furthermore Wärtsilä Exhaust Treatment’s experts are involved in ship design, at an early stage, to conduct engineering work to understand how CCS can be smoothly integrated once the technology is launched to market.

Sigurd Jenssen, director of Wärtsilä Exhaust Treatment, commented: “Launching these feasibility studies and being able to offer them to market is the exciting latest step in our process of bringing carbon capture and storage to market in shipping. It builds on the market-leading work we are conducting in our test hall in Moss, where our technology is already demonstrating our targeted 70% capture rate, and enables us to directly engage with customers to smooth the CCS adoption process in the near future.”