BAR Technologies (BarTech) wind propulsion technology WindWings has been awarded a full Type Approval Design Certificate from Norwegian classification society DNV.

Since being awarded an Approval In Principle (AIP) for WindWings in 2021, inventor and designer BARTech, and industrialisation partner Yara Marine Technologies (YMT), have focussed on progressing the WindWings design through to the next level of DNV certification. 

This has involved validating WindWings design compliance with full detail on construction, loading analysis, the use of materials and the supporting technical systems and their redundancy.

With Type Approval Design Certificate now granted for WindWings, there is a clear route forward for the technology to be installed on any DNV-classed vessel, either as a retrofit or on newbuilds.

WindWings will give vessel owners and operators the confidence to progress with their carbon reduction programmes under Carbon Intensity Index (CII) reporting and monitoring.

Lauren Eatwell, Head of WindWings, BAR Technologies, said that “the first vessel to be fitted with WindWings in the coming weeks, will be the Pxyis Ocean – a Kamsarmax owned by MC Shipping and chartered by Cargill- which will be closely followed by the Berge Olympus – a Newcastlemax owned by Berge Bulk”. 

”These vessels will be the first of many to enjoy fuel savings of approximately 1.5 tonnes of fuel per WindWing per day on an average worldwide route, and, therefore reduced CO2 emissions of some 4.65 tonnes per WindWing per day.” Eatwell added.

Hasso Hoffmeister, Senior Principal Engineer of DNV noted that “with this award, BAR Technologies can demonstrate that the WindWings solution rests on a foundation of trusted assurance.”