Finnish police have said a Chinese ship whose movement coincided with the time and place of the gas pipeline damage, is now the focus of their investigation.

On Friday, they said their focus was on the vessel Newnew Polar Bear flying the flag of Hong Kong.

“The police have established in the criminal investigation that the movements of the vessel Newnew Polar Bear flying the flag of Hong Kong coincide with the time and place of the gas pipeline damage. For this reason, the investigation is now focused on the role of the said vessel,” Finland’s National Bureau of Investigation said.

The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) is a national unit of the Finnish Police operating across Finland and dealing with a wide range of duties, including cases like this.

The NBI also examines if the object found in the seabed has any connection to the damage in the gas pipeline.

“We will cooperate with Chinese authorities in order to establish the role of the said vessel. The Finnish Police also have a liaison officer in China who can handle the matter on the site,” said General Head of Investigation, detective superintendent Risto Lohi.

Police also confirmed the damage was caused by “an external mechanical force” and that they had found “a heavy object” in the seabed.

Recently, the National Bureau of Investigation stated it had completed the crime scene investigation into the gas pipeline damage. The analysis of the collected samples is underway in the National Bureau of Investigation Forensic Laboratory.

The investigation has confirmed that the damage has been caused by an external mechanical force, and based on current knowledge there is no reason to believe the damage has been caused by an explosion, Lohi states.

He also notes that a recently formed huge clump of soil containing probably an extremely heavy object has been found in the seabed. “We investigate now what the object is and if it is connected to the damage of the pipeline,” Lohi adds.

The object lies deep down in clay seabed and no conclusion can be reached thus far of its nature. The police and the authorities having cooperated and assisted in the criminal investigation continue the scene investigation whenever weather and sea conditions allow.

Attempts will be made to lift the object from the sea for technical examination, in accordance with the detective superintendent Risto Lohi.