Greek Prime Minister says country has invested heavily in its gas and LNG infrastructure, and in few years time, could have even four new terminals beyond Revythoussa area, accepting cargo.
Speaking at the World LNG Summit & Awards in Athens, which is taking place for the first time in Athens, Prime Minister Mitsotakis, said delegates that the country added a floating natural gas storage unit (FSU) in Revithoussa, Greece to expand the facility’s storage capacity by approximately 65%. The first new FSRU unit will be operating in Alexandroupoli at the end of 2023, beginning of 2024.
As he said, there are many other major terminals under consideration that could be developed in the coming years, and it wouldn´t be a surprise if in a few years time they see “two, three, maybe even four new terminals beyond Revythoussa, accepting cargo” in the country.
As he further pointed out, Greece has invested heavily in its gas and LNG infrastructure and will continue to do so, as the country is “an exporter of energy security to its neighbors”, and Europe’s energy security goes through Greece, as he said.
Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis also delivered a message, that Gas will remain an integral part of Greece´s energy strategy, and over the time, as the gas business evolves, the country will carry one day bio-methane and hydrogen.