The US Coast Guard announced that the Horizon Arctic’s ROV (remotely operated vehicle) found debris field on the sea floor near the Titanic wreck, within the search area of missing Titan sub.

Experts within the unified command of the US Coast Guard, the Canadian Coast Guard and the US Navy are evaluating these findings.

US Coast Guard also said that it will hold a press conference about these findings at 15:00 local time (20:00 GMT).

Rear Admiral John Mauger, the First Coast Guard District commander and Captain Jamie Frederick, the First Coast Guard District response coordinator, will be speaking at the press conference.

A Canadian vessel’s ROV and a French remotely operated vehicle ROV have begun searching for the sub Titan, that went missing with five people on board near the Titanic wreck on Sunday.

On June 18, the US Coast Guard received a report on an overdue 21-foot submersible from the Canadian Research Vessel Polar Prince with five people on board, diving to view the wreckage of the Titanic, approximately 900 nautical miles East of Cape Cod.

The Canadian research vessel Polar Prince lost contact with their submersible during a dive, approximately 900 miles east of Cape Cod.

Since then a massive search and rescue effort is under way in the North Atlantic and the US Coast Guard and Canadian rescue teams are racing against time to find and rescue the five people that were aboard the missing submersible.

The US Coast Guard Northeast wrote on Twitter that a remoting operations vehicle (ROV) of the Canadian vessel Horizon Arctic has began its search for the missing sub.

The French vessel L’Atalante also has deployed their ROV for the searching operation, as US Coast Guard Northeast reports.

A remotely operated vehicle (ROV) capable of reaching the sea bed and transmitting images to the surface has been deployed by French researchers, according to BBC.

The US Coast Guard announced that underwater sounds have been detected in the search area, resulting in the redirection of remotely operated vehicle (ROV) operations to explore the origin. These recordings have been shared with the U.S. Navy for analysis to help guide future search efforts. 

The Canadian Coast Guard boat John Cabot, a vessel with sonar capabilities, arrived on-scene Wednesday morning along with commercial vessels Skandi Vinland and the Atlantic Merlin, the US Coast Guard said in its latest press release.

A US Coast Guard C-130 crew also arrived on scene to continue searching for Titan sub on the North Atlantic.

The unified command added that the vessel Magellan will be providing one of their ROVs in the near future. 

US Navy is also sending subject matter experts and a Flyaway Deep Ocean Salvage System (FADOSS), a system that provides reliable deep ocean lifting capacity for the recovery of large, bulky and heavy undersea objects such as aircraft or small vessels.