A new online index which names companies that abuse seafarers’ rights has been launched by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), to tackle the exploitation and abuse of workers at sea.
Through this online index ITF gives to the public the names of the companies that are accused of abandonment (repatriation, non-payment of wages, failure to maintain crew needs).
The Seafarers’ breach of rights index, as it is called by ITF, lists companies that deny and abuse seafarers’ basic human and trade union rights, including not paying wages, failing to provide essentials including food and water, and abandoning them at sea in unsafe conditions.
ITF gave to the press the names of six companies, registered in the United Arab Emirates, India, Marshall Islands, and Iran as the country of control of one company, that are accused of abandonment of seafarers.
Steve Trowsdale, ITF inspectorate coordinator said: “Seafarers not only combat the forces of nature on the world’s oceans, but they also remain an unseen workforce, often spending many months away from loved ones in challenging living conditions.
“We have zero tolerance for anyone who denies and abuses the rights of seafarers who work for them in any capacity. This index will name and shame companies, ship owners, ship managers, and others, who deliberately ignore and undermine seafarers’ rights and international conventions that govern working and living conditions on board”.
The Mission to Seafarers’ Happiness Index shows another fall in seafarer happiness, with concerns over workload, stagnated wages, social isolation and lack of respect.
The results of the latest Seafarers Happiness Index, published on Tuesday by The Mission to Seafarers, show a further drop in seafarer happiness for the fourth quarter of 2023, raising serious concerns over conditions for all those working at sea.
This fall in happiness is driven by a decrease in sentiment across most areas of life on board covered by the survey, with onboard connectivity being the only notable aspect that showed improvement.
Respondents to the Seafarers Happiness Index also expressed concern over a lack of social interaction and a growing sense of isolation. They also reiterated their concerns about stagnating wages, which are failing to keep up with inflation, and a lack of training opportunities.
The growing security threats to the lives of seafarers are also reflected in the results of the survey.