The U.S Coast Guard “Cutter Waesche” crew offloaded more than 6,325 pounds of cocaine and more than 13,220 pounds of marijuana worth more than $166 million, Wednesday, in San Diego.

“This marks Waesche’s first counter-narcotics patrol in several years and the crew did an outstanding job to work, with international and inter-agency partners, to successfully prevent $166 million dollars’ worth of illicit drugs from entering our country, cities, and neighbourhoods,” said Capt. Robert Mohr, commanding officer of the Waesche.

The five interdictions occurred in international waters in the Eastern Pacific Ocean off the coasts of Central and South America in February and March.

The counternarcotics were interdicted by the U.S. Coast Guard cutters as follows: “Cutter Waesche’s” crew was responsible for two interdictions seizing approximately 881 pounds of cocaine, and 9,500 pounds of marijuana. “Cutter Steadfast” crew was responsible for one interdiction, seizing approximately 3,300 pounds of cocaine, while “Cutter Active” crew was responsible for two interdictions seizing approximately 2,116 pounds of cocaine and 3,716 pounds of marijuana.

The U.S Coast Guard “Cutter Waesche” is the second legend-class cutter of the United States, as it is characterised by the coast guard, and is homeported at Coast Guard Island in Alameda. It is 418 feet long with a top speed of 28 knots and a range of 12,000 nautical miles. It is equipped with a flight deck and hangars capable of housing two multi-mission helicopters, and outfitted with the most advanced command, control, and communications equipment.

“Like the United States Coast Guard and our other law enforcement partners, we are always ready to bring drug smugglers to justice in court,” said Sean P. Costello, United States attorney for the Southern District of Alabama.

Numerous U.S. agencies from the Departments of Defense, Justice and Homeland Security cooperate in the effort to combat transnational organized crime. The Coast Guard, Navy, Customs and Border Protection, FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, along with allied and international partner agencies, play a role in counternarcotic operations.