Viridis Bulk Carriers won an Approval in Principle (AiP) by classification society DNV for their ammonia fuelled short sea bulk carrier design.

The certificate for the new design was presented during the Nor-Shipping trade fair in Norwegian capital Oslo, at the DNV stand.

The Viridis Bulk Carriers design, developed by Kongsberg Maritime, is for 5,000 dwt short seas vessels that offer a range (3,000 nm) and safety levels equivalent to conventionally fuelled vessels.

For the AiP, DNV has reviewed the design of the vessel for compliance with the 2023 revision of the rules for the DNV Gas Fuelled Ammonia class notation.

It’s worth mentioning that the 2023 revision will be published in July 1st 2023 and will be entered into force January 1st 2024.

André Risholm, Board Member of Viridis Bulk Carriers, noted that ”considering the heightened emission reduction targets set by the EU and IMO, our Viridis vessels will fully adhere to these standards. This will empower charterers to benefit from exceptional greenhouse gas reductions throughout their logistical value chain.”

Tuva Flagstad-Andersen, Regional Manager of Region North Europe at DNV, said that ”DNV introduced the Gas Fuelled Ammonia notation to enable the industry to foster innovation and drive sustainable solutions in line with the most advanced industry standards”.

The DNV official added that ”with these projects, we demonstrate how by working in collaboration, we can shape the future of shipping and advance towards a decarbonized and sustainable tomorrow.”