Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi discussed Red Sea tensions with his Yemeni counterpart Dr. Shaya Zindani in Beijing on Tuesday.

China called for attacks on civilian ships in the Red Sea to end and for safe navigation there, mentioning that the country is ready to continue to play a constructive role in the matter, according to a foreign ministry statement.

The Chinese Foreign Minister reaffirmed the country’s support for UN efforts aimed at finding a comprehensive political solution in Yemen. He called for an end to attacks on civilian ships and the preservation of maritime security in the Red Sea.

He urged the international community to make greater efforts to implement a solution, and called on the relevant parties to stop harassing civilian ships and maintain the safety of waterways in the Red Sea. Wang added that China is willing to continue playing a constructive role in this regard.

Last Friday, member states of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) called for an immediate end to ongoing attacks on ships and seafarers transiting through the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.

In a resolution adopted in London, IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee condemned the attacks as “illegal and unjustifiable”, posing a direct threat to the freedom of navigation in one of the world’s most critical waterways, while causing major disruptions to regional and global trade.

The resolution, adopted on 23 May, encouraged ship operators and vessels to carefully assess the nature and unpredictability of recent events, as well as the potential of continued attacks in the area, when considering transit plans.

It is the first resolution to be adopted by IMO Member States on this issue since the Houthis seized the MV Galaxy Leader in November 2023.

Since then, around 50 dangerous and destabilizing maritime attacks have been carried out, costing the lives of several seafarers while the 25 crew members of the Galaxy Leader remain in hostage. The Committee called for their immediate and unconditional release.  

“The Houthis’ reckless actions are putting innocent lives at risk, disrupting the delivery of urgently needed humanitarian aid to those who need it most, increasing the cost of this humanitarian assistance, and destabilizing the region,” stated the resolution.