Denmark has maintained its position at the top of the Paris MOU on Port State Control White List with 12 detentions only between the period of 2021 to 2023 and 1,250 inspections during that period. As Shipping Telegraph reported last year, Denmark topped the White List with 9 detentions between the period of 2020 to 2022 and 1,121 inspections during that period.
Netherlands came second to the “White List” with 35 detentions between the period of 2021 to 2023 and 2,648 inspections during that period.
Norway came third to the list with 25 detentions between the period of 2021 to 2023 and 1,758 inspections during that period.
Singapore, Italy and Finland followed in the ranking of the White List of Paris MOU, with 25 detentions, 10 detentions and 3 detentions respectively.
The Paris MoU Committee gave to the press the “white, grey and black list” which presents the full spectrum, from quality flags to flags with a poor performance that are considered high or very high risk.
It is based on the total number of inspections and detentions during a 3-year rolling period for flags with at least 30 inspections in that period.
The “White List” represents quality flags with a consistently low detention percentage. Flags with average performance are shown on the “Grey List”. Their inclusion in this list may serve as an incentive to improve and move to the “White List”.
At the same time, flags at the lower end of the “Grey List” should be careful not to neglect control over their ships and risk ending up on the “Black List” the following year.
Regarding the “White, Grey and Black List” for 2023, a total number of 71 flags are listed: 42 on the “White List”, 17 on the “Grey List” and 12 on the “Black List”.
For 2022, the total number of flag States on the list was 66, of which 39 on the “White List”, 18 on the “Grey List” and 9 on the “Black List”. The reason for this is that during 2023 more flag States had at least the minimum number of 30 inspections, which means they are automatically included in the performance lists.
From July 1, 2024 the new performance lists will be used for calculating the Ship Risk Profile.