‘Generous and down to earth’ Wilson shipowner dies aged 78

The Norwegian shipowner of short sea giant Wilson, Kristian Eidesvik, has passed away on August 7 after a period of illness at the age of 78.

Kristian Eidesvik (pictured) became an owner in Wilson around 1995. Following the IPO in 2005 he became the majority owner through his investment company Caiano AS, and he was the chairman of the board until two years ago. His son Eivind Eidesvik is now the chairman of Wilson ASA.

Kristian’s background was from Langevåg, Bømlo. His roots were in fishing, and he always proudly referred to himself as a fisherman.

As an owner of Wilson, Kristian Eidesvik became very fond and proud of the company and had a sincere interest in performing a solid business operation.

Through the volatile periods following the financial crisis in 2008 he remained positive, supportive and backed Wilson’s efforts toward growth and expansion, which was fundamental for building Wilson into the leading company in its segment.

He and his family have been, and continue to be, solid and dedicated owners of Wilson.

“Kristian was generous, down to earth and always in a good mood. When facing challenges there was no better place to gather support, advice and trust than from Kristian. We will remember Kristian with gratitude for all he was, as a person, as a supportive owner and as long-serving chairman of the board,” Wilson said.