As shipping celebrates the International Day of the Seafarer (June 25), crews have been targeted in ongoing attacks on ships traveling through the Red Sea, stemming from geopolitical tensions.

Too many attacks have been launched since November 2023, damaging or sinking vessels, and resulting in at least four deaths, with many others injured.

On the International Day of the Seafarer on June 25, IMO Secretary-General Arsenio Dominguez paid tribute to the 2 million seafarers who keep global markets functioning and supply chains going.

To raise awareness about the safety of seafarers, an IMO social media campaign has been launched, focusing on safety at sea.

Seafarers are encouraged to share across social media a picture of themselves in their working environment with a top tip for safety at sea with the hashtag #SafetyTipsAtSea.

“Be creative, you can share the equipment you use to keep your workplace safe or any special training you received, and tell us how you work to enhance maritime safety and security, in tandem with the protection of the marine environment,” suggests the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).

For 2024, the campaign will look at seafarers’ contribution to making the maritime sector a safer workplace. IMO asks from crew to share their best safety tips at sea, whether it’s the gear they wear or the training they receive. 

As part of the campaign, IMO will be asking seafarers to share a picture of them in their working environment, highlighting how they keep their workplace safe. 

In a video message to seafarers, Mr. Dominguez said: “Seafarers have been sorely tested in recent years – facing hostile acts from piracy or in conflict zones. I humbly acknowledge seafarers’ resilience and sacrifice in the name of work.” 

Meanwhile, IMO calls for the immediate and unconditional release of the Galaxy Leader and its crew, held for more than eight months.

IMO Secretary-General Dominguez said that attacks on the innocent can never be justified, and “I will continue to advocate incessantly for the safety and well-being of seafarers.” 

Video credit: IMO