Maritime software provider Sea has launched a new compliance solution to help customers navigate the regulatory landscape for freight.

Sea’s new Vessel Compliance Management solution enables customers to complete vessel screening, whilst its platform ensures governance, compliance, and the mitigation of risks in chartering processes.

A recent study by Sea of users on its platform found that, for customers who are impacted in their day-to-day work by sanctions, workflows are negatively impacted for almost half (49%). Less than half (37%) feel fully confident in navigating sanctions.

Sea claims that the new solution has been designed to help businesses navigate compliance complexities while streamlining processes and supporting decision-making.

“Sea’s aim is to help customers easily navigate and streamline changing regulations in chartering processes,” the company explains.

The key features of the solution include automated screening – vessels can be automatically screened against various customisable parameters, such as vessel ownership, management, dark patterns, port state control and suspicious behaviour.

Also, it enables real-time compliance monitoring which enables charterers to keep on top of rapidly changing compliance and sanctions regulations.

“The key features of the solution also include integrated, streamlined workflows – the seamless integration with a business’ chosen vessel sanction and compliance service ensures business objectives are met within one platform for faster, more efficient working.

“Enhanced due diligence – alongside the provision of reliable sanction and compliance integration, an audit trail is provided to evidence compliance through document management,” says the maritime software provider Sea.
