Singapore-based shipowner Asiatic Lloyd Maritime LLP named on May 7 its container vessel being built by DSIC and the Shanhaiguan Shipyard, shipowner Friedrich Bunnemann disclosed on social media.
The 7100 TEU newbuild container vessel was named “ALS CLIVIA” by Clivia, who is the sister to Friedrich Bunnemann.
After 1953 (Germany),1977 (Japan), 2000 (Poland), 2004 (Korea) this 5th edition is the first Chinese built vessel named “Clivia”, as it was mentioned.
Shipping Telegraph reported on July 3, 2023 of the first vessel in the series “ALS Ceres”, a Methanol Fuel Ready Level 1C class notation 7100 teu vessel, having next generation of S-bow and optimized hull design.
It’s worth noting that the Asiatic Lloyd and Atlantic Lloyd group of companies represents the shipowning and shipmanagement activities of the K.F. Bunnemann family.
Source: Friedrich Bunnemann social media post.