INTERTANKO, the International Association of Independent Tanker Owners, and Veson Nautical, the global market leader of maritime freight management solutions, have unveiled Version 6 of the Q88 Questionnaire for tankers.
According to Veson, by improving the questionnaire format and standardizing the data entry processes, charter parties can share common data requirements through one form.
The aim, as it is said, is to facilitate faster trades, lessen repetitive tasks when a vessel is put up for hire, and move the industry forward on key issues such as reducing carbon emissions, and increasing operational safety standards in the tanker trade.
Vessel owners and operators are frequently asked to supply additional data to charterers as part of their commercial and vetting criteria in line with IMO, national and regional regulations.
This data was not included in Version 5 of the Q88, meaning many charterers would have to make additional requests for Information (RFIs) to owners / managers, sometimes adding days to vetting requests and delaying fixtures.
Users of the Questionnaire 88 will now be asked to provide input on their vessel’s GHG performance data, scrubbers, ballast water treatment systems, energy and consumption ratings, and NoX emissions compliance data.
INTERTANKO and Veson Nautical are urging vessel owners and operators to verify that their vessel data is accurate, complete and up to date.
The Q88 was first issued in 1988 and now in its 6th version is used by over 1,000 tanker owners, technical managers, and charterers, and brokers globally.
This revision is the work of a collaborative effort between the Q88 group at Veson Nautical and the INTERTANKO Vetting Committee, Q88 Working Group chaired by Captain Ashley Cooper, Group Marine Director, Scorpio Ship Management S.A.M.
Capt Ashley Cooper said that the Q88 remains the industry leading questionnaire for commercial fixtures. “With the transition to SIRE 2.0, and the adoption of new technology, the need was felt to modernize the questionnaire. The latest revision includes information based on current developments in shipping that will assist in expediting the vessel acceptance process.”
Tor-Arne Berger, senior product manager at Veson Nautical, noted that “The revision incorporates suggestions from subscribers to Q88, industry partners and changes from the HVPQ 6. The questionnaire includes new questions surrounding Emission Compliance and Ballast Water Treatment Systems.”