Greek shipowner killed and two others in Greek shipping office

Public opinion is still frozen today after yesterday’s unprecedented triple murder at the shipping company in the south suburb of Athens, Glyfada, in Greece, by the 76-year-old Egyptian former employee of the Karnessis shipping family company.

The shipowner, the CEO of the company and a captain, who tried to disarm the assailant, tragically died, according to reports.

The person involved in the incredible tragedy is reportedly a former employee, of Egyptian origin, who worked for the company and according to initial information was allegedly fired.

The attacker himself – armed with a shotgun and a revolver – then committed suicide in the company’s basement.

A documentary photo was released of the shotgun used Monday morning in Glyfada by the 76-year-old Egyptian to kill shipowner Maria Karnessi, CEO Antonis Vlassakis and captain Elias Koukoularis.

Pandemonium ensued in the company, employees who did not know what was happening ran for their lives.

Others ran up the stairs to get out of the building.

The police who were informed sounded an alarm and police officers, a negotiator and also the special suppressive antiterrorist unit, which is the police tactical unit of the Hellenic police, immediately arrived in the area.

Relatives and friends of the victims and of the employees began to arrive outside the building of the attack, all shocked by the unprecedented tragic incident.

Shocked, the captain’s son-in-law describes how his father-in-law lost his life. “The thug entered the office of the owner’s son-in-law. My father-in-law Elias Koukoularis jumped to get his rifle and the 76-year-old pulled out a pistol and hit him on the back.”

“I heard the gunshots, I heard the first two. I headed towards the stairs to see what was happening. I saw two guys coming down; they said, ‘It’s Aris with a gun, he’s shooting.’ Of course, I dashed outside, towards the garden, and made my way out through the back door of the garage,” a witness, identified as an employee, told journalists yesterday outside the company’s building.

Another witness of the incident also said: “He purposefully went to kill the bosses.”