The International Longshore and Warehouse Union of Canada (ILWU Canada) has issued a strike notice to the British Columbia Maritime Employers Association (BCMEA), that as from 1st July 2023 it will hold a 72-hour strike at the ports of Vancouver and Prince Rupert as the negotiations for a new contract with employer’s struggle to find an agreement.

The negotiations between the parties have been ongoing since February this year in an attempt renew the industry wide collective agreement which expired March 31, 2023.

ILWU Canada’s main Objectives are:

To stop the erosion of the work through “Contracting Out”

To protect current and future generations from the devastating impacts of “Port Automation”

To protect longshore workers from record High Inflation and sky rocketing “Cost of Living”

In order to avoid a strike in British Columbia further negotiations are needed and shall be expected the next days between ILWU Canada and BCMEA.