Canada’s marine spill response organization has been activated to respond to a spill in Nanaimo Harbour, a natural harbour on the east coast of Vancouver Island in the Canadian province of British Columbia.

It had multiple vessels on scene conducting containment and recovery operations.

Spill recovery crews were busy on Nanaimo Harbour yesterday after the general cargo ship Maipo River experienced a fuel leak that spilled into the water.

The Canadian Coast Guard said an unconfirmed amount of heavy fuel oil spilled during “a fuel transfer.”

An Incident Command Post has been established to oversee the response. The Canadian coast guard said marine response has been contracted by the vessel owner to contain the spill and begin fuel recovery.

It was furthermore stated that while most of the fuel was contained on the deck of the vessel, some reached the marine environment.

“The source of the spill has been controlled. The Incident Command Post is overseeing all response activities. Marine Response is working to protect sensitive areas,” said the Coast Guard.

The size of the spill has not been disclosed.

Western Canada Marine Response Corporation (WCMRC), a marine spill response organization for Canada’s West Coast, reported that its crew has successfully completed yesterday´s on water operations for the fuel spill from the ship Maipo River in Nanaimo Harbour.

Night monitoring operations were also planned yesterday for overnight, in accordance with WCMRC.