The crew of Fleet Management’s bulk ship Magic Nova, led by Captain Anil Tiwari, rescued two sailors in the Atlantic Ocean in the previous week.

Hong Kong-based Fleet Management, a company which provides a comprehensive range of ship management services to cargo shipowners, said the sailors Simon from Switzerland and Yves from France were sailing to the Canary Islands when their boat, Nendili, lost its rudder, running them into distress and needing evacuation help.

When they contacted the American MRCC, they were told their only hope was to reach out to Fleet’s Magic Nova, which was 12 nautical miles away from the distressed boat at the time.

“The Magic Nova crew performed a very difficult rescue due to the rough weather, wind and waves, alongside manoeuvring their large sailing vessel towards us. All through the rescue, they ensured the security of both their crew and ours. In the end, everything went very well, and now we are safe, all thanks to them,” said Simon, one of the rescued sailors.

Both sailors commended Magic Nova’s crew’s support, who provided them with health and medical checks, emotional support, water, and a cabin to rest in.

“Everything that they provided enabled us to be alive today. So, a big thanks from the bottom of my heart,” Simon added.