Photo: 145058694 / Danish Flag Ship © Russieseo |

Denmark this week has launched the world’s first digital ship register. It will get rid of troublesome paperwork and increase security related to ship registration and ship trading.

There are currently more than 6000 ships registered in the Danish shipping registers. The registrations of these ships have until now been handled manually.

That is why the Danish Maritime Authority launches the new digital ship register. It will ease the workload with faster and more efficient workflows for everyone working with registration of ships in Denmark. At the same time, the system contributes with an extra layer of security and control in relation to ship registration.

The Digital Ship Register will go-live on January 16th, 2023. Concurrently, new legislation on ship registration comes into force. This includes both amendments to the Maritime Act and new executive orders on ship registration.

The Deputy Director, Niels Peter Fredslund, said “digitalization is a focal point for future shipping. The launch of the digital ship register is a significant initiative in this regard. The digital ship register will get rid of manual paperwork and has great potential for streamlining and reducing the administrative burdens for shipping companies in ship registration and ship trading.”

The introduction of digital ship registration entails changes that affect all users of ship registration in Denmark. The changes affect all registration-based reports notified after January 15th, 2023.

As the Danish Maritime Authority says “all reports that occur as of January 16th, 2023, will be given a notification time, rather than a notification date, down to the minute they are reported. All reports made before January 16th, 2023, will retain the notification date that the document has received in the Ship Register, and these reports will be carried out manually by the employees of the Danish Ship Register.”