Greek seamen’s federation announced a 48-hour nationwide strike that started today at 6 a.m., Greece’s public tv station ERT reported.
The Panhellenic Maritime Federation (PNO) argued that the employers’ refusal to engage in dialogue on signing a new collective labor agreement for 2023 led to the strike, according to the public broadcaster.
Serious and concrete measures against the employment of uninsured people in the maritime industry and a significant increase in unemployment benefits are among the demands raised by the federation, PNO said, adding that the union of tugboat crews will also follow the strike.
Specifically, as the Greek media station reports, they call for the fight against black uninsured work, and the establishment of a permanent system of substantial financial support, and protection for unemployed seafarers.
It calls for an increase in the projected monthly unemployment allowance to 650 euros for singles, and 850 euros for married people, with an additional 150 euros for each dependent person, so that the real needs of seafarers are covered, but also free medical care for them and their families.