Japan comes first to the VesselsValue’s list of the top 10 ship owning nations, with China being second and Greece third. The Japanese-owned fleet has a value of 196.6 billion dollars and this is largely due to the current boom in the LNG sector.  

China is second worldwide with a fleet value of 190.1 billion dollars and Greece is third with a fleet value of 156.14 billion dollars.

Chinese fleet has retained 1st place this year in terms of number of vessels owned, with a total of 6,908 vessels. It’ worth noting that China owns the largest container fleet, both in terms of vessels and values, and also has the largest number of tanker vessels.

However, Greece is in the first position of the tankers market in terms of values. The Greek-owned tanker fleet has a value of 56.28 billion dollars. 

In addition, Greece is also the owner of the second most valuable LNG fleet worth USD 29.1 bn.

The USA comes fourth on the top 10 ship owning nations’s list, with a fleet value of 98.6 billion dollars, and Singapore is in fifth place with 80.3 billion dollars.

South Korea has moved up to 6th place this year, overtaking Germany. The value of the South Korean fleet now stands at 65.9 billion dollars.

Germany is in 7th place with a total fleet value of USD 64.3 bn while Norway is 8th with a total fleet value of USD 56.7 bn.

The UK has fallen to 9th place, despite their fleet retaining its value at USD 54 bn.

Switzerland has moved up to 10th place and now features in the Top 10 Ship Owning Nations, when historically it had not ranked. It has a total fleet value of USD 54 bn. This year, Switzerland has been the top buyer of container vessels globally, with MSC acquiring 78 vessels.

It is worth mentioning that the figures of VesselsValue involve data as end of October 2022, and the information given is in VesselsValue blog.

Source: VesselsValue Blog