A major ammonia distributor Yara International is speeding up Germany’s hydrogen economy, with the plan to modify its ammonia terminals in the country. The Norway-based company will enable handling of up to 3 million tons of ammonia and this equates to roughly 530,000 tons of hydrogen for Germany.
Yara announced these plans during German Vice-Chancellor Dr. Robert Habeck’s visit to Norway, as it aims to increase its production of clean ammonia globally to be able to supply Germany’s emerging market.
“Dr. Habeck and other German leaders have been crystal clear in their ambitions to ramp-up the hydrogen economy. As a response, I’m proud to say that Yara has identified a substantial potential to increase ammonia imports to Germany in line with growing market demand”, noted CEO of Yara International, Svein Tore Holsether.
“By summer 2023 our export terminal in Brunsbüttel will be modified to import as well. In addition, the terminal in Rostock can increase the imported volumes. In total, Yara would be able to deliver 3 million tons of clean ammonia if demand is there. With additional tank capacity we can expand our import capacity much further”, said Yves Bauwens, Plant Manager in Brunsbüttel.
Yara’s subsidiary Yara Clean Ammonia is currently rolling out a portfolio of decarbonized ammonia production. Green ammonia is produced with renewable energy and electrolyzers, while the carbon emissions from blue ammonia production are captured and permanently stored. Together they amount to clean ammonia.
“As we develop our decarbonized projects across the world, we will import clean ammonia to Germany using Yara’s fleet of ammonia carriers, the largest in the world”, commented Magnus Krogh Ankarstrand, President of Yara Clean Ammonia.
New ammonia storage requires significant investments in addition to operational and safety experience.
“Yara operates two deep sea terminals for ammonia in Brunsbüttel and Rostock. In Rostock Yara currently imports 600 kt of ammonia annually. This is Germany’s largest ammonia storage capacity”, said Thomas Schmitz, Plant Manager in Rostock.
Today Yara is one of the largest ammonia distributors, with a global production and transport infrastructure. Yara produces and consumes approximately 7% of European hydrogen.
Furthermore, Yara Clean Ammonia operates a global ammonia network with 12 ships, and has access to 18 ammonia terminals and multiple ammonia production and consumption sites across the world, through Yara.